Friday, January 24, 2014

Cold weather and butternut squash

I live just outside of Cincinnati, Ohio and it has been cold, like freezing cold. It really makes me want to go on vacation to a beach. I am not really a cold weather person. I hate layering and it makes me just want to sit at home on the couch covered in a blanket. I'm glad that I have a gym that I love and a very motivating trainer so else I would be in trouble. I took this picture of the thermostat in my car. Yeah, you're reading it right, it says -5. Cold!
I did make some butternut squash last night because I ran out of brown rice. I always try and mix up different parts of my meals so that they don't become too boring.

Here's how you make it. It tastes best if you bake it. Preheat your oven to 400. Cut it in half longways and put it cut side down in a baking dish. Pour a little water inside the bottom of the dish and bake for about an hour. It should be easy to stick with a fork when it's done. Butternut squash tastes really good with cinnamon on it. 

The worst thing about meal prepping is eating the same thing so mixing up carb or veggie options makes it feel like you are not always eating the same thing day after day. 

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