Sunday, April 6, 2014

12 weeks out! Hired a Coach

Ok, so I was going to try to do this first bikini competition by myself and not hire a coach but I ended up caving in and hiring someone. I just feel like there is so much information out there and its confusing knowing which meal plan to stick with and what I need to be doing. I ended up hiring a trainer that is local because it ended up being cheaper than paying for someone online and I like being able to meet with someone in person. I feel that it will be easier for him to look at me in person and make changes to my workout and diet as he needs to. I can also always stop in if I have any questions or need anything. He is currently coaching about 7 girls so I liked the fact that he has coached girls for bikini before and knows what he is doing. There is also someone there that can help me learn my posing which is a very important aspect to competing. I have gained about 2 lbs. this week since starting his workout and meal plan but am also noticing more muscle on my legs so I'm hoping that what I've gained is mainly muscle and not fat. I'm trying very hard to not listen to the scale and just look honestly at my body to see my progress.

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