Monday, February 24, 2014

Mini food prep

I realize that hour long food prepping is not always an option. I know that for my family we are always on the run and am rarely home long enough to do anything. Here's the meal I put together to make it until I could do some real cooking. I bought already prepared chicken meatballs (mine are teriyaki and pineapple), frozen steam able veggies and steam able brown rice. 

I just put the rice and veggies in the microwave and cooked the meatballs in a skillet until browned. 

I grabbed my plastic containers and measured everything out. This made 4 meals and took maybe 10 minutes. Packaged foods are the best for all time time. I recommend buying fresh whenever possible but sometimes you just have to do what works and be willing to improvise to stay on track. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sorry for the break!

It's been so long since I posted, life has just been so busy. Last week was just rough. Nothing was really unusual about it it was just mentally long. My diet was very up and down last week. I did really good throughout the week and they by the weekend we were out of groceries and instead of going to the store we ordered out. I know.. I was just lazy and tired. The weather here is still cold and I just haven't felt like doing anything. This week hasn't been too bad. I did finally go to the store so its healthy meals from here on out. If you don't have meals prepared it's just so easy to say heck with it and order pizza or something. The key to this is not beating yourself up over bad meals, just jump back on your meal plan and get back to clean eating.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


A good workout is necessary for any kind of weight loss. Muscle helps your body burn more calories, so you lose more weight. I go to the gym 5 days and do cardio 3-5 days a week. I hate cardio! Cardio is so boring. I usually try to turn a good show on and set small goals like not looking at the time for so many commercials. I usually try to do 30 -45 minutes of cardio. I go to a crossfit type gym that uses a lot of different types of exercises. We push and pull sleds with weights, lift barbells and dumbells and used bands and medicine balls. I like that every workout is different. Some weeks we focus on cardio and endurance and some weeks we focus on lifting. Here are some pictures of me at the gym.

My husband and I pulling sleds and our son along for the ride.
Carrying Kettlebells.(I'm in the middle and my daughter is on the right)
Battling Ropes
Side planks
My kids are a big part of our workouts. Our gym does have a daycare and our little guy goes there, our daughter on the other hand usually works out with us. They are really good about just making sure her form is good and not so much about weight. I think that its important to get the whole family involved. If you all workout together I think it help you stay consistent.
Some weeks are harder than others. My diet gets boring or I'm sore and tired and don't want to go to the gym but you just have to stick with it. I can definitely notice changes in my body but progress is never as fast as I want. I want to lose now but I just have to look at where I started and see how far I've come. I just take one day at a time and cross it off the calender. I have it divided into days, week and months. I am a person who needs a lot of small goals to work for. I make deals with myself. If I lose 5 lbs. I get a new workout outfit or something that I might not otherwise buy myself. You just need to find what motivates you and stick with it.